Legal Notice
Publisher Information: The website "" is owned by SAS OPUS-ESTATE, located at 53, rue d'Antibes 06400 CANNES.
Names of company executives: Jennifer LOMBARD
Contact phone number and email address of the company: Tel: +33 6 40 61 84 86 | Email:
Registration number with the Trade and Companies Register or other relevant authority: 913716632000019 RCS Cannes
Tax identification number: FR73913716320
Legal form of the company: SAS
Share capital: €1,000.00
Website Publisher: Jennifer LOMBARD | 53, rue d'Antibes 06400 CANNES | Tel: +33 6 40 61 84 86
Hosting - Security:
Website creation: BuroClic
Hosting provider's contact information: Inc. Address: 500 Terry A François Blvd San Francisco, CA 94158 Phone: +1 415-639-9034.
Information on the Website:
The information contained on the website is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice, solicitation, or an offer of services.
Each user is solely responsible for the use of the information contained on the website.
SAS OPUS-ESTATE cannot be held liable for direct or indirect damages, including material and/or financial damages, loss of data, loss of programs, resulting from access to and/or use of the website and the information it contains.
Intellectual Property Rights:
The elements contained on the website, including texts, presentations, illustrations, photographs, are protected by intellectual property rights.
Any reproduction or representation, even partial, of these elements for purposes other than private use on any medium is prohibited and may incur civil and/or criminal liability of the author.
Hypertext Links:
The establishment of a hypertext link to the website requires prior written authorization from SAS OPUS-ESTATE.